Sunday, August 14, 2011

Here and Now

I love the opportunity that I have to serve the Lord at the church I attend!!! It is truly an honor to work with the men and women that have been faithful through the years. My hearts desire is to one day Pastor a church and to serve the Lord by preaching His word and ministering to His people. The learning experience I'm able to have now is amazing and I hope I never take it for granted. I'm constantly looking for more to do, but my fear is that I'll stop thinking that what I'm doing is a "good work". I'm very thankful to get to work as an assistant in the Senior High Sunday School class and to lead the Teen Choir, both are full of wonderful kids who have a great desire to work and to serve. Getting to help in the Teen Group with all of our teenagers is absolutely wonderful! To get to work there is a true blessing!!! And yet, it is still my hearts desire to one day leave and Pastor a church (if the Lord were to allow). This desire has been in my heart sense I surrendered to preach in 2006 and has done nothing but grow and change from a desire to a burning desire: it's all I think about at times. I don't want to take for granted what I'm able to do, but I also don't want to lose sight of my dreams for the future in serving God. It is truly my prayer that God would allow me to continue to learn under these great men and women at Freedom Baptist, and when His time has come for Him to open a door for me to serve as a Pastor at a place where God wants me. I'm thankful for where I am, yet I'm still looking to move forward where the Lord would lead me!


  1. I'll be praying for God to open doors for you in ministry in His perfect timing! Love you!

  2. Daniel, thank you for sharing. If is nice to hear your thoughts and to know the desire in your heart. Trust God, always, and He will direct your path. He knows the plan He has for you - you just have to let Him have the controls. You are loved. :)

  3. Trying again to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and your thoughts from the heart. I will be praying for God's continued leading and blessing on your life.
