I was talking to one of the teens in the Youth Group at Freedom the other week about school. She made me laugh when she said in disgust, "I've only been in school for one week and I already have to write a paper." I asked what the theme was and this was the response with rolled eyes "A 'Life Changing' Experience." Now,when I think of Freedom's Youth Group (which is a lot, thankfully) I think of "life changing experiences". The first one I thought of when speaking to the teen was Salvation! 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things passed away, behold, all things are become new". I have spent my life in church. Some of my first memories are in church, whether it be a service or an activity. I knew from a very young age the truth of eternal life, but I didn't accept Jesus Christ as my Savior until I was 18. I lied to everyone all through Middle School and High School, claiming salvation but living like the devil. Its my fear that I've done more damage to the name and cause of Christ in my youth then I'll have a chance to repair. I've hurt many individuals in sinful relationships and I've hurt many groups by the life I lived. I praise God for the change He made in my life, and I pray everyday that I may be able to point those from my past to the cross that made the difference for me!
The other life changer I thought of went all the way back to the 3rd grade. It was then that I played football for the Newland Blue Devils! As a team we had a bad game the Saturday before, and the coaches had the 1st string defense run extra for not listening very well during the game. Now I didn't play on the 1st string, but they called me out and made me run anyway. When all the running was over they realized who was supposed to run in stead of me, but they just laughed it off and we continued with practice. I was so upset! After practice was over I got in the old Chevy S-10 that Daddy used to have and we started home. Dad asked me what was wrong, and I told him... Truth be told I was seeking support; I was looking for "I'm sorry Son, it'll be OK", but that's not what I got. "What are you gonna do, QUIT?" These words hit me hard! I didn't want to quit, I just wanted a little sympathy. That phrase has stuck with me ever sense then and it was then I learned that just because things happen that you don't like it doesn't mean that you can walk away; you must continue to push forward and always do your best! Its funny, but when I read the story of Moses and the Israelites at the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army behind them; I hear them all start complaining to Moses saying "you brought us here to die"; Moses looking ahead and sees the Red Sea, he looks behind and sees the chariots storming towards them and all he hears are people complaining, I hear "What are you doing to do, quit?" and Moses gets an answer from God: Exodus 14:13-14 "And Moses said unto the people, fear ye not, Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day; for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace."
These are just a couple of things that have changed my life. If each and every one of us look into our lives we see things that God has used to change us to be more equipped to do His work. Each thing, whether big or small, has been placed by God in perfect spots within our lives; proving that He love us enough to work personally with us, that we may be more like His Son if we would yield ourselves to Him and turn from our wicked ways.